Andy Lau Everyone is Number One

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Where do you fit??


Project Manager : is a Person who thinks nine women can deliver a baby in one month.

Construction Manager : is one who thinks a singlewoman can deliver nine babies in one month.
Contract manager : is one who asks if the baby is inthe budget (and if it saves money to adopt).

Project Engineer : is a person who thinks he candeliver a baby if no man and woman are available.

Section Engineer : is a Person who thinks it will take18 months to deliver a baby.

Design Engineers : are still! l figuring out how to produce a baby.

Procurement Team : thinks they don't need a man or woman; they'll produce a child with zero resources.

Document Control Team : thinks they don't carewhether the child is delivered they'll just document 9 months.

Quality Auditor : is the person who is never happy with the PROCESS to produce a baby.

Site Engineers : don't care...they just want thewoman!!!

Client : is the one who doesn't know why he wants a baby.Last but not Least

QUANTITY SURVEYOR : is the one who wait for the babyto be delivered, so that they can make claim to be itsFather

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Head up my friend! Hope not something you can found and pick up on the floor.

"Head up my friend! Hope not something you can found and pick up on the floor."

Know this from a comic book call ZETMAN long time ago...suddenly remind me when I am in demotivate time...Hmmmm~NEVER GIVE UP!!!